JobBOSS² Q&A Hub: Your Questions Answered

Discover real questions from manufacturing professionals about JobBOSS² and see the answers that explain how it can enhance your business operations.

How can I set default terms for new customers in JobBOSS²?

Navigate to Settings > System > Company Maintenance > Defaults. In the Customer Section, set the desired Terms Code. This default will apply to all new customer records.

Where can I specify the default General Ledger accounts for Accounts Payable and Retained Earnings?

Access Settings > System > Company Maintenance > Defaults. In the General Ledger Section, assign the desired accounts to AP Account and Retained Earnings Account. These defaults will be used in new accounting records.

How does JobBOSS² improve production scheduling?

JobBOSS² enhances production scheduling by offering real-time insights and automated scheduling tools to optimize workflow.

How can I ensure accurate job scheduling in JobBOSS²?

To achieve accurate scheduling, it’s essential to maintain accurate data entry across all system modules, including Estimating, Order Entry, Purchasing, and Data Collection. Regularly updating job statuses and due dates, and ensuring employees report time accurately, will enhance scheduling accuracy.

How do I access the Report Designer in JobBOSS²?

To access the Report Designer, navigate to the desired report (e.g., a Quote), click Print, select the report type, and then click Design. Ensure that your user permissions include the ability to create custom reports.

JobBOSS² Purchasing Factor

The Purchasing Factor is used to convert the unit of measure (UOM) you buy an item in (like feet) into the UOM you stock it in (like inches). It ensures that inventory tracking and purchasing align correctly.


Purchasing Factor = (Purchasing Unit) ÷ (Stocking Unit)


Let’s say you buy wire by the foot, but you stock it by the inch.

1 foot = 12 inches.

Using the formula: Purchasing Factor = 1 foot ÷ 12 inches Purchasing Factor = 0.0833

This means when you stock 1 inch, it corresponds to 0.0833333 feet purchased.

What are the best practices for setting up work centers in JobBOSS² to improve scheduling?

Define work centers that accurately represent your shop’s workflow, such as machines, groups of machines, work cells, or personnel. This setup enables the scheduling module to effectively manage job interactions and optimize shop floor capacity.

What is a Tag Number in JobBOSS², and can I change it?

In JobBOSS², a Tag Number is a unique identifier assigned by the software to a specific lot or batch of inventory. It is typically used for:

  1. Lot Tracking: Differentiating between multiple lots of the same part.
  2. Serial Number Tracking: Tracing individual serialized items.
  3. Receiving or Movement Details: Linking inventory adjustments or movements to specific transactions.

The Tag Number is automatically generated by the system and cannot be edited or changed by users, ensuring accuracy and traceability in inventory management.